Monday, May 18, 2009

Service Express QuickStart Guide

What is Service Express?

Service Express is American Honda’s Web-based system for delivering electronic service publications to the aftermarket. In Service Express, technicians have access to the same service information available to Honda and Acura dealers: Service Manuals, Service Bulletins, ServiceNews, Wiring Diagrams, Body Repair Manuals, Accessory Installation Instructions, Owners Manuals, and the Parts Catalogs in one convenient place.

When you use Service Express, you get the latest parts and service information available, and you can search across many types of publications simultaneously.

How does it work?
You search in Service Express by selecting the Model and Year of the vehicle you’re working on, then choose a subject or enter a keyword. Service Express will retrieve all service information related to the subject or keyword to help you repair the vehicle.

NOTE: We continually update Service Express, so a printed copy of the Service Express QuickStart may not exactly match what you see on your computer screen. This isn’t usually a problem, because the basic Service Express searching and navigation procedures do not change.

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