Monday, September 5, 2011

Suzuki C90 Installation Manual front/rear Fender

Suzuki C90 Installation Manual front/rear Fender

Rear Fender front/installation: 1. cover the area of fender where Fender tip goes with a thin layer of adhesive tape. Make sure the tape is smooth. 2. carefully position Front Fender fender tip, make sure the tip is centered on the fender. 3. Mark the locations of the hole marking pen. 4. remove the tip of the Fender. 5. make holes through the fender on the tags. 6. remove the tape. 7. position the Fender tip and insert the screws on the outside. 8. Install the washers and nuts bolts and tighten securely. 9. repeat the above steps to install the 70 000-710063-Fender tip on the back of the front Fender.